Ruslan Izzatli

Age: 34

Occupation: The founding board member of Third Republic political initiative 

Arrested: March 8, 2024.


  • Conspiring to smuggle foreign currency

Status: Detained in Pre-trial Detention Center N1

Ruslan Izzatli is the founding board member of Third Republic political initiative and former parliamentary candidate in the 2015 and 2020 elections. In 2013, he founded the Democracy-1918 Movement and chaired it until 2021. In 2012-2013, he served as a board member and deputy chairman of the Umid Party.  

On March 6, 2024, following the police raid of the shared offices of Toplum TV, IDI, and the Third Republic. Police arrested Izzatli, who was released from police custody around midnight on the same day. Two days later, on March 8, 2024, Izzatli was taken away in a car in front of the Khatai District Police Department. Later it became known that he was detained at the Baku City Police Department. Following the arrest, the police searched his apartment, where they alleged to have found 4,700 euros, claiming Izzatli was conspiring to smuggle foreign currency. Izzatli refutes the charges.

On March 9, 2024, the court in Baku remanded Izzatli to four months of pre-trial detention. 

Izzetli’s wife claims he has a major health problem. His gall bladder must be operated on and removed. If not operated on his condition could become life-threatening.

On July 4, 2024, the Khatai District Court extended his pre-trial detention for another three months to October 6, 2024.