Jamil Mammadli

Jamil Mammadli

Age: 42

Occupation: Journalist  

Arrested: August 20, 2023.


  • Fraud 

  • Extortion 

  • Hooliganism.

Status: Convicted and sentenced to six years and twelve days in prison

Jamil Mammadli is a former regional correspondent for Azadliq radio (2010-2014) and investigative journalist. He founded his YouTube channel and covered social issues in northern Azerbaijan. In recent years, he started investigating the corruption of local government officials. On March 4, 2022, the Khachmaz District Court sentenced Mammadli to one and a half years of correctional labor, finding him guilty of libel. He was convicted based on the complaint of the head of the executive power of the Guba region. Mammadli pleaded not guilty.

On 17 January 2023, the Guba regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal investigation into Mammadli under charges of hooliganism in connection with a December 15, 2022 traffic incident. Later, on August 20, 2023, the Sumgayit Court for Serious Crimes granted the prosecution a motion and Mammadli was taken into custody in the courtroom by the bailiffs of the Sumgayit Assize Court upon pre-trial detention order under charges of hooliganism, fraud, and extortion. 

On April 17, 2024, the Sumgayit Court for Serious Crimes sentenced Mammadli to six years and twelve days in prison after convicting him of fraud and hooliganism and dropping charges of extortion. Mammadli portrayed his conviction as retaliation for criticizing the authorities.