Arshad Ibrahimov

Arshad Ibrahimov

Age: 61

Occupation: Journalist 

Arrested: December 8, 2023


  • Extortion by threats.

Status: Detained in Pre-trial Detention Center N1

Arshad Ibrahimov is the founder of the news website Dunyani Sesi. In 2014, authorities detained Ibrahimov based on the complaint of Mohammed Bagirov, the former head of the Department of Education of the Kelbajar region. Later, Bagirov was detained on charges of corruption. Ibrahimov was charged with “extortion by threats” and sentenced to 10 years. In 2016, the Supreme Court reduced his sentence to five years. 

On December 8, 2023, the Anti-Organized Crimes Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained Ibrahimov under charges of “extortion by threats, committed repeatedly.” He was remanded to four months of pre-trial detention.