Ali Zeynal

Age: 28

Occupation: Multimedia journalist, media activist. 

Arrested: March 6, 2024.


  • Conspiring to smuggle foreign currency

Status: Detained in Pre-trial Detention Center N1

Ali Zeynal is an independent multimedia journalist from Azerbaijan. Since 2016, he has worked as a reporter, presenter, fact-checker, and trainer for local and international media. He worked for OC Media, and Toplum TV (2016-2018), and was an Institute of Democratic Initiatives (IDI) activist. Before his arrest, he served as Project Coordinator for the journalists’ program and mentor for young journalists at IDI. 

On March 6, 2024, the Baku City Main Police Department raided the shared offices of Toplum TV and IDI. Following the raid, police arrested Zeynal and searched his house, where the police alleged to have found 10,150 Euros and $9,060 USD, claiming Zeynal was conspiring to smuggle foreign currency. Zeynal denied the charges. According to various reports, the search and arrest were conducted without a court order.  

On March 8, 2024, the Khatai District Court remanded Zeynal to four months of pre-trial detention. On July 3, 2024, his pre-trial detention was extended for another three months, until
October 6, 2024.