Afiaddin Mammadov

Afiaddin Mammadov

Age: 28

Occupation: Labor rights and peace activist

Arrested: September 30, 2023


  • Intentional infliction of serious bodily harm in a risky manner for hooligan motives.

  • Illegal acquisition, sale or carrying of gas weapons, cold weapons, including cold throwing weapons. 

  • Hooliganism 

Status: Detained in Pre-trial Detention Center N1

Afiaddin Mammadov is an Azerbaijani labor rights and peace activist, the Workers’ Table Trade Unions Confederation Chair, and a member of the Democracy 1918 Movement. He was actively involved in the Azerbaijani food delivery couriers’ 2023 protests. Azerbaijani authorities subjected Mammadov to several administrative offense charges for his activism, including on August 1, 2023, when Mammadov was arrested on administrative charges of disobeying police. He was allegedly tortured and denied access to a lawyer.   

On September 20, 2023, the Investigation Department of the Khatai District Police Department arrested Mammadov for premeditated infliction of bodily damage and armed hooliganism after an unidentified man claimed Mammadov had stabbed him with a knife in front of his house. On September 21, 2023, the Khatai Court sentenced him to a two-month pre-trial detention. On November 15, 2023, the court extended Mammadov’s detention by an additional two months. According to Azerbaijani Internet Watch, based on the information provided by journalist Ulviyya Ali, the alleged reasons for prolonging his pre-trial detention were his FB posts supporting peace and criticizing President Ilham Aliyev. 

In December, the investigation amended charges against Mammadov and indicted him under charges of “intentional infliction of serious bodily harm in a risky manner for hooligan motives”; “illegal acquisition, sale or carrying of gas weapons, cold weapons, including cold throwing weapons”; and “hooliganism with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons, if it was accompanied by the use of violence against the victim or destruction or damage to another person’s property.”

In March 2024, the Baku Court of Serious Crimes began hearings in the criminal case against Mammadov. The next hearing is scheduled for July 30, 2024.